Yoga Cards-Singolo 🧘‍♀️


Lo Yoga è uno strumento straordinario per aumentare la fiducia in se stessi nei bambini, migliorare la consapevolezza del loro corpo.

Queste carte da Yoga forniscono uno strumento divertente ed interattivo per aiutare i più piccoli a scoprire il corpo attraverso 30 carte Yoga inclusive e splendidamente illustrate a mano, progettate per aiutare e coinvolgere.

La confezione contiene 30 carte, divise in 6 categorie che ti guidano attraverso una pratica Yoga a tutto tondo: da un riscaldamento tonificante, ad un raffreddamento calmante.

Il retro di ogni carta ha colori coordinati per indicarne la categoria. Include anche istruzioni facili da comprendere (in lingua inglese) e seguire che guideranno il bambino ad assumere in sicurezza ogni posa.

Combinando un animale ad ogni posa si arricchisce la curiosità nel bambino, esplorando sia lo Yoga che la natura!

• High quality 400gsm cards – perfette per piccole manine curiose 👐
• A6 size – 10.5×14.8cm / 4.1×5.8in

5 disponibili

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SKU: YOGA-S Category: Tags: , , , , ,



We created IMYOGI to bring yoga to kids of all ages, helping them develop self-confidence, body awareness, and mindfulness.

Our primary goal is to create products that promote calmness and positivity for children, to empower little ones with the tools they need to navigate big emotions in a healthy way.

The idea for IMYOGI was born when we wanted to introduce yoga to a little one but struggled to find fun yoga cards which were inclusive in their representation. That’s when we decided to take matters into our own hands and create an inclusive deck of yoga cards ourselves.

We are also conscious in doing our part in conserving the world in which we live, so our children have the chance to enjoy all the beautiful nature our planet has to offer. We have therefore committed to the following:

  • long lasting design – we have carefully selected durable materials for all of our products to ensure that they are made to last

  • reusability and recyclability – the IMYOGI cards and packaging box are both 100% recyclable, promoting a circular economy

  • carbon neutral delivery – we strive to partner with carbon-neutral couriers whenever possible to reduce our carbon footprint

  • non toxic materials – we use eco friendly inks which are vegetable-based, they’re free from toxic chemicals, minimising our environmental impact
     We believe that every small step towards sustainability counts and we are constantly looking for new ways to improve our sustainability practices.


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